Instructions - Refills
BULLET CARTRIDGE PEN - if the pen is made with a bullet cartridge and is NOT a 50 caliber, follow the general instructions under CROSS PENS. If it is a 50 caliber, follow the instructions under CIGAR PENS
CROSS PEN TWIST - For the twist type CROSS pen, turn the upper and lower sections 1/2 turn to extend or retract the refill. To replace the refill, pull apart the upper and lower sections. There will be a black or blue round piece that you unscrew and pull to remove the refill. Cross refills are available at office supply stores or on tis website.
CIGAR PEN - PARKER ballpoint refill - Twist the upper and lower sections 1/2 turn to extend or retract the refill. To replace the refill, unscrew the lower cone shape piece where the ink cartridge comes out. Pull out the refill and spring. Replace with a PARKER compatible refill. Insert the refill and then the spring. Screw the cone shape piece back on. Parker refills are available at larger office supply stores or through this website in the REFILLS section. If going to the store, bring the refill and match the exact shape and length. You can use a variety of refill types to change how the pen writes.
FLY FISHING PEN - PARKER ballpoint refill - Twist the upper and lower sections 1/2 turn to extend or retract the refill. To replace the refill, unscrew the lower cone shape section. Pull off the entire lower section including the refill and spring. Replace with a PARKER compatible refill. Put the spring on the refill and insert into the lower section. Screw the cone shape piece back on - DONT PUSH IT ON. Parker refills are available at larger office supply stores or through this website in the REFILLS section. If going to the store, bring the refill and match the exact shape and length. You can use a variety of refill types to change how the pen writes.
ROLLERBALL and FOUNTAIN PENS - Rollerballand fountain pens are essentially the same basic pen. The only difference is the ink type and nib sections. To access the ink, unscrew the cap or pull the cap off it is a magnetic cap. No force is required - don't force it. Remove the cap and the fountain nib or rollerball cartridge tip will be exposed. Unscrew the section next to the fountain nib or rollerball cartridge. This section should be about 3/4" or so long and attaches to the main body of the pen.
If you have a rollerball, remove the rollerball cartridge. There should be a short spring at the end of the rollerball cartridge or it may be inside the pen. Don't lose the spring. Replace with a compatible rollerball cartridge available at your office supply store or on this website. There are many manufacturers of rollerball refills. They are not all interchangeable. The brand is not important, just the size. Match up your existing rollerball cartridge exactly by diameter, shape and length. Waterman, Schmidt, Mont Blanc and others all make compatible refills for this pen. Be sure spring is inside pen, insert refill and screw the nib section on.
If you have a fountain pen, when you unscrewed the nib and feeder assembly, you found either a disposable cartridge or converter attached. International size disposable refills are easy to use and replace and are available on line, in stores or on this website. Simply push the cartridge on fully to puncture the cartridge. Converters allow you to buy bottled ink of the color and type you chose. Leave the converter on and attached to the nib and feeder section, put the nib in the bottle ink and turn the knob at the end of the converter to draw ink into the converter. Screw the nib section onto the pen body. Both style ink refills for fountain pens need to be primed to start the capiliary action and ink flowing.
SIERRA PEN - PARKER ballpoint refill - Twist the upper and lower sections 1/2 turn to extend or retract the refill. To replace the refill, pull apart the upper and lower sections at the middle. Unscrew the long chrome piece attached to the lower section. Pull out the refill and spring. Replace with a PARKER compatible refill. Put the spring on the refill small end first. Insert the refill and spring into the lower section and screw the long chrome piece back on. Parker refills are available at larger office supply stores or through this website in the REFILLS section. If going to the store, bring the refill and match the exact shape and length. You can use a variety of refill types to change how the pen writes.