Own an authentic piece of American and Space History embedded into a handmade ballpoint pen. 8 pens total.
*** Additional lunar landing and Space Shuttle authentic material pens are now available. Each pen in this collector set is available individually. Email for options. ****
This personally handmade 8 pen set with display case featuring space exploration includes actual materials from 4 of the Space Shuttles and Apollo 11 embedded into the pen, plus 2 pens made with the commemorative stamps (2) of the Lunar Landing anniversary and a hand-inlaid wood space shuttle pen. Mission City Pens has captured the space program in a most complete, unique and one of a kind set including a very nice presentation box with felt lining, glass viewing window and lockable lid. This is a collector quality set made with very rare and limited available items.
Space Shuttle and Apollo 11 pens all have a piece of that spacecraft embedded into the pen and cast in a crystal clear resin to preserve and protect the pen. There are 2 embedded items in each of the shuttles and 1 embedded item in the Apollo 11 pen. Each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity from the company acquiring the materials describing the exact materials embedded into that shuttle pen and details of the spacecraft. Here is a brief description.
ATLANTIS - nose gear tire and thermal insulating blanket
ENDEAVOUR - thermal foam tile and insulating foil
COLUMBIA - nose gear tire and payload bay liner
DISCOVERY - bay clamp seal and payload bay liner
APOLLO 11 - Kapton insulation
The 2 stamp embedded pens feature the anniversary stamps issued by the U.S. Post Office. And, the last pen I made using precision laser cut wood embedded into the maple wood body.
I personally crafted each pen on a lathe, sanded and polished each to a brilliant clear finish. Each pen operates with a simple 1/2 twist and uses an easy to replace Parker ballpoint refill available at office supply stores.
Mission City Pens has been making custom collector quality pens since 2005. Experience matters. Thanks for looking.